Thursday, May 03, 2007

CD Artwork

The main task for this week as been getting all of the CD artwork up to submission standard. From the style of music I was given I was thinking along the lines of Jets and Jet pieces. All of the artwork I came up with seemed to look really dark as I believed this suited the music the best. One of the problems I have run into this week was when I put the final tiff into Page Maker. The problem was the logo was losing quality. This really frustrated me as the rest of the artwork printed off fine.

Something I found that went really well is the designs towards the artwork. I think this went really well as the music was so distinctive and the album name was something to go on as well. In the future I need to plan in the same way I have done with this assignment as it as led me in the right direction with the designs. I found by doing spider diagrams, roughs and looking at the previous artwork for the CD I have been able to produce some spectacular pieces.

Something that I have been doing this week is filling my sketchbook with all the needed work. I found this a really time consuming piece of work as I have had to get all the work in for the whole year. I have also been showing all the planning through all of my work over the last few weeks and also all annotated.

Something I have done different in this assignment compared to the last ones is managing my time a lot better. I understand where I am and also what needs to be done to meet the deadlines in the assignment. I feel by doing this I should be able to reach the higher grades in this assignment.

Over the next week I need to work on the pre-flight document as well as checking through all the CD artwork and making sure all the right information is on the CD.


Dean said...

Has your logo/quality issue been solved? Why did it happen? What was the remedy? Did you ask anybody if they knew why? Chris Spongeson has had a problem that he solved similar to yours on his blog.

If not give me a shout, I might know.

Ben Waller said...

I think you are right about time management, if you can manage your time effectively you are much more likely to keep on top of everything which should hopefully allow you to access the higher grades

Craig Burgess said...

Make sure that when you create your preflight document you use it as a check-list for yourself as well. I did that, and I already feel a lot more confident that I've not missed anything off.

I'm going to try and do a similar document for each part of my assignment as well, just so I've got it on paper in front of me and ticked off to say I've definitely done it.

Jamie Wood said...

Hey Craig thats a good idea about keeping a checklist for all parts of the assignment