Friday, January 19, 2007

Finally Dreamweaver

This week was had its good moments and its bad moments. At the start of the week we were given our results. I was quite happy to of past two of the units in the assignments I had just done, but I was also really annoyed as I got referred on another unit for something as stupid as not checking my work properly to find stupid spelling mistakes. This made the assignment near enough unreadable. I suppose from this I have learned I have to check more than once through the assignment to make sure the assignment makes sense and is easy to read.

I also finally got stuck into Dreamweaver later that day and found out how much user friendly it is compared to FrontPage. I really enjoyed this little task as it gave me an insight in to how I am going to make sure that my sight is laid out in the correct way and everything is the right size. From this I have given my self the task of creating a homepage for my domain, which is

For the other assignment I was given the task of finding out about Eric Gills work and what fonts he as created for a five minute presentation later in the year which will be assessed. Also in this assignment there will be set tasks that have a short deadline on them that will be probably only a few hours long. This is to build me up to the final task of this assignment.

Something that I am really happy with was that I actually made a master time plan for the assignments to work side by side and if I keep up to date with the master time plan I will leave myself plenty of time to get all the work done and checked so I can bump up my grades from pass’ to merits or possibly distinctions.