Saturday, September 16, 2006

Week 2 First Assignment

The main problem of the week was right at the beginning when we got given are first two assignments, the worry was relived when I realised that they wasn't as bad as I thought. Another problem of the week was finding out which Great Briton to do because all the well known people will have been chosen multiple times by other people so decided it would be a good idea to do Guy Fawkes.

Something I really likes about this week is Steve giving us some help with how the assignment should be set out this was a great help as this was are first assignment. Another thing I’ve enjoyed doing is having a look at other people sites and noticing the good aspects and the bad aspects on the Great Briton I’ve chosen.
The most worrying bits of the size where the title been at one site of the page and the content been on the other. The most annoying thing i saw though was on this site called this must of been one of the worst designed sites ever. The background flashed, it used flashing images, it had a picture off a home next to the hyper link home. Apart from this I’ve had a great week.
Where I’ve Come From

I got into computers at a young age, I first started using computers in Earlsheaton high school. I used the computers to make simple spreadsheets and word processing. We also made simple designs of rooms. In year 10 I started doing a GNVQ in ICT. On the course I used applications such as MS Word, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher, MS Excel, and MS FrontPage. From this course I achieved three passes.

After this I went to St John Fishers Six Form to do a double AVCE in ICT but I didn’t find the course for interesting as it seemed to be the same as the GNVQ that I had just done so I decided to have the rest of the year out of education. After this I enrolled on the BTEC for IT practitioners in information technology at Wakefield College. On the course I gained an all around background of IT. I used applications such as Word, Access, Excel, FrontPage, Notepad, C++, PowerPoint. I also did a bit on the hardware side of computers such as putting a computer together, networking two computers together and also networking a room of computers together. On this course I achieved a MMP.

Where I’m At Now

From the BTEC course I realised that I liked building websites and would like to get more experience in that area of IT, so I decided to enrol on the HND Interactive Media course. From the course I hope to be able to build a series of functional websites using new software such as Dream Weaver, Flash and Photoshop. These will allow me do integrate my own graphics into a website and also use some animation on the site as well. I would also like to find out how the industry works and is this the industry for me.

Where I Want To Go

If I get the grades I need from the course I plan to do a top up year at university to get the full degree at the best grade possible for me. From this I hope to go into a commercial business to actually find out how the business works and work as part of a team making products for clients.
After I get a bit of experience in web site deign I hope to become a freelance website designer working for my self and then getting my own team of people and working for my own clients.