Saturday, April 21, 2007

Corporate Identity

This week main task as been to get all the corporate identity items done and ready for the style guide. I think that I’ve managed to create all the items and make them all look consistent. Some of the problems that I had with this task were getting all the images of the documents to the right size without getting really big file sizes. This was rather frustrating as all the documents started with really big file sizes because of the size they were created at. It was also really hard to find the correct trade off between the quality of the image and the file size. This was resolved by finding the right amount of colours to use as well as the right file format for the Internet.

The other task I’ve been working on this week was getting the template to the website finished. I found that my first initial idea for the website didn’t work as I felt it didn’t look right. So I had to make some big changes to the website template. After a few hours of tweaking I finally came up with an idea that I feel works for this site. One of the things I wanted from the website, was it to keep the same consistency as the rest of the documents I feel like I have achieved this really well as it follows the same guidelines as the documents.

Something I have also started looking into this week is CSS, I am trying to understand the basics so that I can incorporate them into my website in the upcoming weeks. I feel by doing this I will make it easier for me to make changes to the website.
One of the things I have started to look over this week again is the first assignment we were given. I feel I’ve let this assignment drift away a bit and have to get hold of it again. So over the next few days I need to start getting all my work together so that I can have a go at getting this assignment to