Saturday, December 09, 2006

30 Second Design

Thursday started with a big surprise as Steve had us start our concept designs for the web banners. The designs started with a two minute time limit for each design. The limit suddenly go smaller and smaller. By the end of the task we were down to a thirty minute time limit which made the designs appear a lot more quickly from my head.

The designs appeared to be more random blobs than concept designs. After we had created the designs we were then given three minutes to create the full designs with sizes and fonts. This part of the design just didn’t happen as I was trying to think about sizes more than I needed to.

I thought the task was a good idea as it didn’t give us time to think about a design, we just had to put down our first ideas or just anything. I was rather happy with my designs because they all had certain parts that looked the same and some features than made them have a unique design as well.

Later on in the day I put my designs into action and created the concepts into really banners. The main problem with doing this is that the images were at least two times larger than the banner. After finally coming up with the designs I found out that I had fallen into a common trap and put the text too close the end of the banner which gave of the wrong impression.

The next time I do a task like this one in the future I need to make a few amendments to the designing stage by actually planning on colours and fonts to use before the task. Something else I need to take into consideration is to leave some space around the design so it gives off the write impression and is easier to read.