Sunday, October 15, 2006

Printing Problems

This week as been mainly adjusting my work. I have found out that the worst thing about the assignment is checking all of the work and finding out all the little errors that don’t seem to appear on the page in tell you have printed. I was quite annoyed that I had to keep printing the same document over and over again. I must have now spent about two pounds just adjusting small little things on the page.

I suppose this was a good and bad process as is stopped me failing the units and my work was of better quality. The bad aspect of the printing was that I have to keep putting on printing credit. I suppose if I did this again I would still have to print the document more than once as the document will always have some errors the first time.

I have also realised that slightly adjusting your work creates the biggest problems with your references on the document as the reference doesn’t match up with the right part of the document. This quite frustrated me as I had to keep adjusting the references to meet up with the right part of the documents. The better idea would have been to put the references in as the last thing to add to the document. The next time I create a long document I am going to make sure that the references go in last.

One of the better parts of the week was finding out how to create a better blog. I was quite happy to find out ways to improve my blog and ways to improve the blog as well. This was a great idea as I now know what changes I need to make to my blog. I suppose before I got told this I could of investigated blog a lot better than I did. The next time I am learning something new I need to investigate further into the subject than I am doing at the moment.