Sunday, June 03, 2007

Story of the Year – Page Avenue

The album cover looks to be based on the albums name as well as been based on the names of the songs. The work is a bitmap image as it is photo realistic. The artwork is of a shadow falling on to a city. I really like the design as they have kept it simple and made sure there is not a lot of things happening to the design. The CD also uses a lot of text in a small space and it is still really easy to read. From this I need to make sure that I include this principle in my designs.

Bullet For My Valentine – The Poison.

This design as took a different approach as they have used both vector and bitmap in the same design. The colours that they have used are also suited to the target audience and the style of music that they play. The artwork is taken from the name of the album as it is a woman that as been poisoned on the floor. The album also users good contrast with the background and the name of the album. In the work I do in the future I need to make sure that my work users good contrast as meets the target audience.

Lost Prophets – Liberation Transmission

The majority of the design is in vector as this album users quite a large logo in the middle of the design, but on the back of the design it incorporates the band over the logo. I feel this works really well as they have a good presence in side of the logo. Some thing this design does really well is make sure that everything in the design as good presence and is really easy to see by using good contrast. Some thing else they use contrast in is the fonts as they have a script font for the albums name but everything else is in a san-serif font.

BBC Site

BBC is said to be one of the best-designed sites as it follows all of the principles to do with good web design. For example the size of the page changes depending on the screen that is been used. I think this is a good idea as the site becomes available for all users. One of the other things the BBC site does really well is contrast. The site users different shades of blue to make good contrast with the text and the background.

Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce sites one the Internet. The site gets thousands of customers each day. Some of the ways I believe this site does this is by having more then one layout for the site as it will be viewed at different sizes and it different resolution. One of the other things Amazon does really well is the navigation as the site users different levels of navigation for each of the products as well as the brands. The site also users a search feature so that you can find what you are looking for easier.

Game is the biggest video game store in the UK. So there site needs to be easy to use and maintain the look of the store. One of the things this site does really well is maintain the corporate look like the actually store using the same colours as the store. One of the thing the site does really well is tell you about upcoming games and also users high quality pictures. One of the other things I like about this site is the navigation, the navigation is easy to use and all the information can be found within three clicks.

Hills Have Eyes DVD Cover

The artwork on the cover is aimed at the target audience, the cover gives you an insight into the film of survival horror. The cover as good contrast on the background but could become harder to see in others. On the back there is a lot of information to hold but they have managed to get it all right. The proximity of all the items works really well and the background users a lot of repartition. Some of the things I will need to make sure I am using in all my print work as well as websites.

Shadowrun Cover

This is the artwork to one of the games on the Xbox 360. The front cover gives you a really good insight into what the game is about, which is tactical combat. All of the text users good contrast and is easy to read. All of the text is in a san-serif font, this may be that the designer thinks this is easier to read then an other font. The back users contrast within the alignment by putting things both left and right aligned. This could be a good idea to use in certain circumstances if you want to get some sort of effect with the design.

Homer Poster

This poster is based on the famous painting named “the scream”. The image users bold colours in the background and all looks to be slightly slanted. There is good contrast on the actual person to the background. Homer also has good presence inside the painting as well. The background is a mixture of swirls and effects to create the feeling behind the scream. In some work you can make it work by extending on the characters feeling.

Mono Lisa Painting

The famous image of Mono Lisa that was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci shows good contrast in parts but also blends into the background for other parts of the image. I really like the photo realistic look the piece as got and how calm the background looks as well. Something that works really well though is the blending in at the bottom of the painting so there doesn’t look to be something missing. From this image I can possibly look at trying to blend less important stuff into the background where possible.