Friday, December 15, 2006

One Week Remaining

The main task of this week as been getting all the work up to submission standard. I found this task quite stressful as I have been trying to juggle work and sixteen hours of self study. The week as gone quite well as I have got all my work up to date.

I’ve left my self one main task for the weekend which is to input all the references, in the last assignment I put the references in to early so I had to keep moving them about when I changed anything within the document.

From that assignment I’ve learnt not to put all the references in to early and leave it as one of the last things. I’ve got all the references left in another place just to input at the last moment.

I also got the biggest surprise this week when I misread some terms and conditions to a site and realised that half of the images I have used need to be changed as the site do not have copyright over the images. This as quite annoyed me as I have to now do some extra work that I had done last week which now needs doing again at the last moment.

Apart from this the work is going well and I have got most of the work done and it just needs reading through for any small errors.

The plan for the next week is to put all the references and get the images done for next Wednesday. I’m also going to have a meeting with John on Tuesday which will let me get someone else’s view on my work. On Wednesday I hope to get all the evaluations done and all the work ready for Thursday and hand it in.