Friday, November 03, 2006

Laptop Worry Finally Over

This week the worry was finally over about waiting for the laptop. After discussing about how it is disrupting my work load at home with Steve the laptop finally turned up at home. I suppose this couldn’t have been resolved but to stop this happening in the future I should look in getting my goods from somewhere else.

One of the thinks I was quite amazed with this week was the fact that one of the peers in the group got a comment left on his Blog ( from one of his entries earlier in the course. The entry was quite strongly criticized and not very constructive. The comment he got back wasn’t that bad and could lead to a future client. This showed us that anyone can look at your Blog so be careful about what you write and how you write it. In the future I will make sure that the entry does not hurt anyone’s feelings.

When I arrived on Wednesday I was quite happy to get my result thinking I had done quite well but when Steve went through a lecture about what he found wrong in some of the last assignments. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as nervous in my life. I was hoping that id past the assignment at least. I was so relieved to find out that id passed the assignment and cant wait to find out ways of improving on the next assignment.

Something that I and the group thought looked better this week was just inverting the colours of one of the designs we were looking at seeing how much better it looked. It’s quite amazing how something so simple can make a vast improvement on a design. Now when building things I should consider different colour schemes instead of just one.

The worst part of the week was finding out that the workload had doubled and I would have to take this into consideration when time planning. I suppose this shows you could have more than one client at once. So I gather this is a step towards that. So in the future I hope that I will be able to juggle more than one project at once.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Money Problem Over

This week I finally found out about my student loan. This is a big relief as I have been short on money since the start of the course. I suppose though if I applied earlier for the loan I would not of had the problem. In the future I shall not procrastinate, as things just don’t get done.

The biggest problem of the week was that I didn’t turn up to Johns meeting as I had to work. I couldn’t find anyone to cover the shift. This still shouldn’t have happened as I was told plenty of time before the date. I suppose again this is just leaving things in tell the last moment. I will never be able to get that hour back either!

Either though the money problem is over I am still having a problem with the laptop arriving. It’s now been six weeks and there is still no sign of the laptop. I suppose this happens every now and again. This is quite upsetting me, as I need this to get the sixteen hours at home as well as at college.
I suppose the main problem of the week is procrastinating. This is one of the habits I need to get out of if I want to achieve the better grades.