Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hosting Problems

This week was mainly a week of get in use to the ins and outs of Dreamweaver. Before I actually got my hands dirty with Dreamweaver I had to sort out my hosting as I only bought the domain and didn’t realise I needed the hosting sorted as well. I have realised that I probably have not chosen the best hosting company as it’s really hard to find out where things are on there site. I was getting really frustrated I needed to host my domain on their site. I seemed to be endlessly looking for something that was there. Eventually after sending them a few e-mails I finally got the hosting sorted out. After this I had to route through there site finding out where all the settings where to the FTP so that I could upload my site through Dreamweaver.

After sorting out the hosting I managed to make a start on my designs and making them into the real thing. I really enjoyed this as I got all the sizes right to my sight and everything seems to be working ok. I only got one problem in the building stage which was one of the pages was not following the template even thought they where all built from the same template. I resolved this by just making the pages again.
Something else I did that was really useful was creating all the buttons and resizing all the images before I got to collage on the Wednesday. This made life really easy as everything was then just a drag and drop job. This is something I will make sure I do in the future as this made life a lot easier and saved me a lot of time. All in all its been a really good week and I cant wait for the upcoming week as there is a trip to London and this will hopefully give me a few ideas and I will hopefully find some inspirational work I really like.