Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time To Test

This week’s main task was the usability test on our site I was quite happy as well as quite scared about what people would think about my site. Would the feedback be relevant and would they be enough agreement to get some changes for the site. I think my main problem was that I didn’t produce enough questions to get all the feedback I needed for the task at hand.

As this was the first time I had seen some peers sites I was quite happy to look what the other sites where looking like and was there anything in there designs I could use at a later date. From looking at all the sites in the class I could see how different every ones designs where and I also got to look at every bodies creativity.

When I got all my feedback back at the end of the task it was time to look through all the feedback and find out which bits were relevant and which bits was not. After looking I found out that there where only a few changes that needed to be changed to my site. I needed to redo the homepage again and I also need to slightly make amendments to the layout of the content pages.
I found this task really useful and would enjoy doing the task again in the future. Some of the things I would change the next time I did a task like this would be to ask a lot more questions to get more feedback, design the questionnaire a lot better. Spend more time reading over the content on other peoples work.