Monday, March 05, 2007


This weeks main tasks were making sure that my presentation is ready for next week and also getting my website up and fully running. The problem with my presentation I only had one night to produce it as I left all my work at collage over the holiday. So I ended up finding a lot of errors in the work luckily I now have to make amendments to this. I really do need to spend more time checking spelling and grammar, as this seems to be my main downfall to all my work.

Another problem with the presentation was that I missed out on the main task, which was talking about the typefaces using the correct terminology. So I was really happy that I got feedback on the presentation that directed me in the right direction. From this I will be able to make sure my presentation is within the right time period and users all the correct terminology to meet the criteria for the assignment.

In the other assignment all things are going well as I’ve managed to make all the changers to the sit that needed to be changed from the feedback I received from the usability tests done before half term. ( Check out this link to view the actual site.
Some of the changes I need to make to my work in the next few weeks needs to be make sure I am reading the assignment sheet more than once so I don’t start going off in the wrong direction. Make sure that I am checking my work more carefully for simple errors and even get someone else to check it for errors I miss.