Friday, November 17, 2006


This week as mainly been struck by illness, I only managed to make it in to collage for the morning on Thursday. This quite upset me as I missed out on a lot of work that would have been really helpful. I suppose there is no way round this as illness happens and there isn’t much you can do about it.

On Thursday morning the lecture was very important as it talked about compression. The two types of compression were lossless and lossy. From this I started to examine one of the for pictures and find out how much you can lower the quality of a picture and what is the best format to have the picture has. I was very pleased to gain knowledge into compression has it would be used I the future in a job and the next bit of the assignment. From this I will research further into lossy and lossless to gain a bigger insight into both of them.

Hopefully this sort of week will never happen again as it has disturbed my whole week and I have got a lot of catching up to do over the next few weeks that will lead to a bit of stress that I do not need.