Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back into Action

This week started with a lecture on art designs and printing. This meant that we were meant to be on the last task of the assignment which is getting all the CD artwork done. I underestimated how large this part of the task is. I found there is still a lot of work to be done over the last few weeks of the assignment. Something else I realised this week is how much work I need to do to get my sketch books to the right standard for a pass. I gather the only thing I can do is get lots of work and start to annotate what I find inspiring about this work and why I find it inspiring.

Something else I missed out in the sketchbook was annotating my ideas. I seem to of just jumped from the roughs straight to the final design for most of the year. This was something I made a big change to for the final part of the year as I have started to leap further into my ideas. I found this a lot more useful as there is still many ideas within one little idea. Something I need to make sure I do this weekend is say how I have got from one stage to the other and why I have chosen that design.

Another task for this week as been tweaking my corporate identity so that is suits the needs of the company. One of the main changes I had to make is to the business cards as I created them thinking of totally the wrong thing. After a few tweaks I came up with a final idea. I think that the corporate identity now keeps a good consistent look throughout the whole of the documents.

The main task of the week as been getting all my referral work up to standard. This started at the beginning of the week with finding all of the images I needed for the site. After this I had to amend all the images so that they fit in the given place. One of the things I need to make sure I am doing in the future is to make sure that the images follow the text not the other way round.

One of the things I am going to start doing is exploring my ideas in other ways as I can see what things mean to me as well as other and then put the two together to see what I can come up with. I think this will work better as I will be handling the ideas from two sides and finding out where I can get them to meet.

Something else that cropped up this week is the professional Assignment for next year. We were informed about what was going to happen and that each member of the group will have different roles within the group. This is one of the assignments I will be looking forward too. One of the things I am not so sure about now though is if I will suit the role of the project manager.

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