Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Last Push

This weeks main task as to get all the website up and running. The one problem I had though was getting all the images to the right size without losing the key line round it. I resolved this by using Photoshop and getting the image down to the right size. I think that the site overall was a big improvement on the last site. One thing I found that went really well with this site is that I managed to keep a consistency through all the documents as well as making the website look the same as well. In the future when I am creating websites I want to stop using imbedded CSS and start using an external style sheet.

The other thing I had to do was to concentrate on getting all my images for the last site as I didn’t get enough the first time. This made my site look unfinished so I got referred. I have managed to get all the images but I haven’t got all the images to the right size. Over the next week I need to make sure that this is finished.

The biggest problem from this week was getting all my sketchbook work in to my sketchbook. This is because my printer as broke over the last week. I have found this really frustrating as I am going to spend most of my time printing off things for this assignment instead of doing more creative work towards the last assignment.

One of the things I am looking forward to this week is starting to create all the designs towards the CD. I think this is going to work really well as I will be able to see how much I have learnt over the last year and see what work I will produce.

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