Sunday, March 11, 2007

Revert to Type - Evaluation

Mini Tasks

I was set the task of creating an article on one of Jonathon Gee gigs. In the task I only had an hour and half to plan, design and create this document. I thought this task went really well as I left my self a bit of time to check the work. Even though things were going well they seemed to be some little problems I ran into, which were not checking all the spelling correctly and then having to make changes to the work, spending too much time planning and not leaving my self the right amount of time to create the piece of work. In the future I need to make sure that I am recording how long I am spending doing each part of the tasks.

The next mini task I was set was to make the packaging around a paint tube. From this I had to find some fonts that match the theme of the paint tube, which was oriental. I found a font that I believe was the best for the task at hand. One of the things I did better in this task was leave a lot more time to check through the work and find any errors within the work. I believe that this was my favourite design of the assignment. Some of the things that went real well in this assignment where I didn’t plan for as long in this assignment so I had plenty of time to try out some of my ideas. I planned the time a lot better and I also choose the right fonts for this piece of work so it worked really well. From this assignment I a going to make sure that I spend the right amount of time to certain parts of the task to give my self plenty of time to try out a few ideas.

For this task I had to create an advertisement for Vodafone, which would be in a newspaper. The first thing I had to do in this task was find out how much room I had to design for. With the room that we were given we had to then plan which would be the best design for this idea. After putting some designs together it was time to start creating the best design. At first I tried a range of columns for the design but then I realised that the best thing to do was let the text go straight across the design. I was really happy about the feedback I received on this assignment. From this assignment I have also realised that the most complex of designs is not always the best design.


Another part of this assignment was to create a presentation on a given typeface designer. I was given Eric Gill; the first part of this task was to research on the given guy. After doing all the research it was time to look through the research and pull out the useful information. After this it was time to start putting all the information together in the best typographic way. One of the things I made sure I did in this assignment was to use one of the fonts created by Eric Gill.

To go with the presentation we had to create a handout to go with the assignment. I also made sure with this that I used the same fonts and the same images so that the listener could also have something to refer to. Something that I should have done is giving the listener some sources to look at if they wanted to look further in to the subject. This is something I need to make sure I do in the future.

After this I had to give a practice run to my feedback group and tutor. This is something I wasn’t looking forward to, as previous presentations haven’t gone that well. I think the presentation went well once I got into the stride of it. The only problem was I really had a weak start to the presentation but I ended really strong. From the feedback I received I found out that the presentation didn’t use enough technical terms.

After this I made some changes to the presentation and handout ready for the actual presentation. After this it was time for the actual presentation. I made sure that I had revised all the technical terms so I couldn’t be court out by anyone as well as been able to use the terms properly. This time I had a really good start to the presentation and a really good end. I think this was the best presentation I have actually given in my life and would handle all the presentation sin the same way in the future. After the presentation I had to answer some questions on technical terms of typography. Luckily I revise all the terms so I answered all the questions correctly.

Timed assignment

Going into the timed assignment I didn’t know what to expect as nothing was let on. When I got there we was given the spec which told us we had to design a information sheet about typography and the newspaper features as well. We had about two and a half hours to do this in. My first thought was that I had plenty of time for this. How wrong was I, I could of done with a couple of more hours on this task to create it fully. I started the task by coming up with some designs and then choosing the best ones. From this I sketched the top three up to have a look at the properly and then choose the best design. I believe that the main part of this task was getting all the terms I can remember up and check all the meanings are correct as well. This was also the worst part of the assignment as I knew all the terms but they seemed to just disappear at this moment. After I did this I started creating the information sheet and also showing what I was talking about. Some of the things I learnt in this assignment was never under estimate the size of a assignment and also not everything is easy to design for.

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