Sunday, March 18, 2007

Assignment Time

This week was the start of a new assignment which covered all the work we have done this year. At first I didn’t think the assignment was that big but as the tasks started to unfold I found out that there was quite a bit of work to cover in a small amount of time. One of the things I have to do this time is make sure that I am keeping up to date with the time planning sheets or I will start to fall behind.

The new assignment is mainly a designing assignment as I have to create a logo for a company named “ambient world”. As well as having to create a corporate identity for the company. To go with this work I need to make an online guide to show employees when and how the can use the features of the identity within there work. I am lucking really forward to this assignment as it’s a more hands approach then some of the other assignments I have done so far.

Something that I have started to look at this week is company logos. I have found some really good logos and have also found some not so good logos. From looking through all the logos, there seems to some trends in the colours that the company users. For example most food outlets use the colours red and yellow and also make the text italic. Is there some meaning behind this, or is it coincidence?

Another change to this assignment is how the time planning is going to be done. We are now going to hand in the time planning sheets in each week instead of handing them all in at the end of the assignment. I believe this will show who has been doing what in there spare time instead of just filling them in at the end of the assignment.

One of the other things I had to do on Wednesday was pick an album from a list of 300 electric albums. From this I have to listen to the album and see what I interoperate the music as. From this I need to create the album cover, the inlay, and CD cover. This also seems an interesting task as I will have to create something on how I believe it should be created. I have a few ideas from the album name but I ma not that sure at the moment. The albums name is “Jet Chamber”.

One of the problems that I may have is will I have time to make something of the sketchbook assignment. I may have done too little work on this assignment and will have to do a lot of work to catch up with what I should have done. I believe that I have to spend a lot more time finding, gathering, and writing about inspirational work as well as offering more comments to other peers work.

One of the other things that are one my mind is how I have achieved on the last two assignments. I handed them both in but haven’t received the grades for them yet. I believe that I shall receive the grades in the upcoming weeks.


Dean said...

It's a good idea to offer comments to your peers' work but it's not just the sketchbook that needs working on. The A1 assignment is 'sketchblog', so it's a mix of your blog too.

You have a serious lack of comments on your blog which although we are to blame for not leaving comments they should be asked for in your blog entries. Not literally but share your thought processes with us and post your ideas that you have outside of college. Provoke a response.

I must admit I only tend to comment if there is something contained in the blog that I don't already know or I'm interested about.

Hope you don't mind me saying but you don't have long to pad out A1 at this stage. This is one assignment that cannot be altered if you get a referral.

Mirhad Kalabic said...

I tend to agree with you about the time planning thing. I have always made time plans, never missed a week, but the thing i find hard is to actually stick to it. So far this assignment i hae done, and hope to do so for the remainder of the assignment.

Also I have to agree with Dean about the Blog thing, and i don't think its just you. The majority of the class seem to forget the importance of the blog, afterall its like 50% Blog and 50% Sketchbook...