Friday, December 01, 2006


This week’s main learning point was Photoshop. We were given the task of restoring an old photograph and applying colour. This was the first time I have used Photoshop so I was eager to learn how it works. I found the restoring part of the task really enjoyable and found out I wouldn’t mind to do more.

One of the worst parts about restoring the image was getting the pin line pattern down the side of the image where it had been damaged. In the last bit of the lesson a realised that the best thing to do was to use the patch tool. This actually gave shape to the leg unlike when I did it the first few times. I felt quite relieved when the leg actually looked like a leg rather than a cardboard cut out.

One of the things I found hard to do in the task was to get the right shades of colour to blend in with the rest of the image. A useful feature was the burn tool as it darkened the lighter areas of the image. Another useful tool is the patch tool which takes part of the image and places it somewhere else and blends it in with the surrounding area of the picture.

When I came to add colour to the image I found it really hard to find the colour that was needed. This began to really annoy me as I don’t really like using the trial and error method of finding things out. When I actually found the colours I wanted though it was a big relief as the picture started to take shape.

The next time I do a task like this I need to make sure that I choose different parts of the image to fill in defects instead of choosing the same part and it looking making look like really obvious what was done. Another thing to do would be to take more time restoring the picture instead of jumping into colour as there may need to be more changes in the picture. All in all though I found this task really helpful and found a new skill within my self.

1 comment:

Craig Burgess said...

Could I see the finished image please? I'm interested as to what yours looks like.

Everyone's looks so different.