Saturday, November 25, 2006

First Presentation

To my surprise Steve had produced a presentation on presentations. It went through all the good and bad things that happen when presenting. I was quite happy to get the presentation, as it was all part of the parcel with this business. From this presentation I thought when am I going to be doing a presentation? What Steve will be looking for? How many times will I have to do?

After the presentation Steve started giving a topic to the groups. Out came the topics red, green, blue and then my group brown! What does brown represent well I could think off a few things but they had noting to do with what we were looking for.

Chris and me started looking on the Internet and couldn’t find much. This was quite annoying me as I had to find out enough information to fill three minutes of presenting. On the brake everyone was OK not feeling nervous or anything perfectly ok. When we got back we finally found out some facts about brown some surprising and some not.

I quite enjoyed working with Chris as we hadn’t really worked together at all in tell now. From this I started to put a presentation together using all the ins and outs of PowerPoint. I managed to put a few pagers together on the cultural and the meaning of Brown. I was starting to think yeah I can do this there should be no problems now.

For the last half and hour of the morning I put together a fact sheet about what I had found out for the other students so they would have a reference for the future. This also gave them a further reading section so they could look more into the colour brown if needed.

From lunch I came back 15 minutes early to get the work printed out. All of the nerves where starting to build as I hadn’t even managed to complete a presentation at high standard before. Then came 1 o clock Steve kicked us all out of the room so that we could all practice our presentations.

Who would have thought in the hole of the collage there are no quiet places to practice the presentations? After a while I found a quite room with no one in. Then I started to think about what I was going to say in the presentation but then one of the other groups found the same room. So after a while the room began to get full.

With half an hour to go I gave it my first go of the presentation and I found my self aimlessly saying “erm” and totally mixing up my words. I thought how am I going to do this, if I can’t even string a sentence together.

After a while we all were in the refectory waiting to go up and do our presentations, it was more like X Factor now. No one knew who was judging us on our presentations though. This is when the nerves started to kick in. The longer I waited the more nervous and annoyed I got.

When the first person came back everyone started asking what it was like who is judging us. Then I went up it seemed one of the longest walks with the nerves building up step by step.

I got to the room and then did the presentation managing not to say “erm” or mix any words up. I even gave eye contact all the way through the presentation. I finished a lot earlier then I would have liked though and got made to stand for the rest of the remaining time.

If I was in the same situation again and got dealt the joker. I would try to research further into the subject and find I better way of triggering the information then holding the slides in front of me. I will also stand to the side of the board instead of standing in front of it and blocking the slides.

The main thing to change for the presentation would be to practice a lot more then a couple of times. On a whole a thought that the presentation could have been a lot better, this quite annoyed me, as I could of gave a lot more than I did if the nerves wasn’t that bad.

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