Sunday, February 04, 2007

Times Running Out

This week had its few problems mixed with mini timed assignments. At the start of the week I got an error on my site when I uploaded the site to the internet. For some reason the host has made my site forbidden. I tried to resolve this problem by sending the host an e-mail but I am still waiting for a reply from the host.

On Wednesday the whole group went down to London to visit the Tate museum. When we got to the Tate museum we found out that all the museums across the country were on strike. This really annoyed me as I had gone all the way to London, to go to this one museum. Later in the day we found the National Gallery and looked at some of the artwork in there.
The next day was the start of the timed assignment for the fifth assignment the assignment seemed to be fun and enjoyable in tell I realised that I needed to leave my self time to check through my work to make sure the work matched the spec. I found this quite annoying, as I had no input on the design. It gradually got better as I started to get a lot more input into the designs and I was designing for a purpose as well as developing my designer skills. I really enjoyed doing these assignments and will look forward to doing them in the future.

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