Monday, December 25, 2006

Pressure Over

This week as gone really well as I’ve managed to get all the work done as well as leaving my self quite a bit of time to check through the work. I am really happy with this as it as let me find a lot of errors with my work and change them so I don’t end up getting referred for something stupid.

My journey through the course is going really well as I’ve managed to learn a lot of new software and find I have learnt some new skills. I hope for the rest of the course I keep applying myself and hope to learn a lot of new skills as well. Some of the things I need to develop further into is research as I am not managing to get enough research to reach the higher grades and I don’t want to scrape my way through the course I want to archive quite a lot from this course.

Something else I am looking forward to over the next semester is learning more academic skills that will also make me manage my work a lot better and also reach the higher grades as well. So all in all I am really enjoying the course and hope to gain a lot from the course.

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