Friday, November 10, 2006

Better or Not

This week started with problems at home distracting me from getting in the full 16 hours. This quite annoyed me as I have to find the time this week to get some extra work in. I suppose you can’t stop illness happening within the family though.

The first lecture was about P.A.R.C (proximity, alignment, repartition, contrast). The task was to design a business card but with only using the colours black and white, and only text. So after putting together a few designs I came up with the final plan and then created it using PageMaker. After printing the work it was put on the wall for the other peers to criticise. This made me think about P.A.R.C in my next designs so it looks like it was designed that way for a purpose.

Also this week I got feedback about my last assignment where Steve highlighted some of the problems and offered ways of improving my work. I was left at the end of the meeting with the choice of bettering my grades or staying at the same level. This made me think quite a lot as what do I actually want from this course. I was quite happy about how the meeting went as it opened my mind in to ways of getting those higher grades so I’m always improving myself instead of just passing by.

On Thursday it was back to the second assignment trying to get into the head of one of the designers in the designers republic. I was trying to think what each of the pieces mean to me and why the designer chose to do it that way. I found this task quite a challenge because I couldn’t get into the find of a designer.

In the group meeting Julian showed us a great week to plan for the owl assignment that would make the rest of the time planning easier. I hope to implement a similar idea into the rest of the assignments. I got quite a bit of feedback in the meeting as well which helped me quite a lot. I was quiet happy to get the feedback as it showed ways of improving my self.


Richard said...

Sorry to hear about your family illness. Have you written the time where you couldn’t work in your time plans? I think Steve has really been stressing the importance of leaving comments and changing plans over the past couple of weeks. I no my time plans need to be improved if I am even to come close to merit criteria.

Jamie Wood said...

Well I left a couple of hours free to catch up with work I had not done but I managed on Wednesday night to catch up with my work.

Chris said...

You are missing a good few peoples blog links mate