Monday, October 02, 2006

Design - Redesign

This week started with me learning a new programme, which was PageMaker 6.5. I felt that the programme was easy to use and worked well on the designing part. I created my first work of art this week, but only in back and white though. I think that the piece looked professional and suits the purpose it was designed for.

I also started to create my site on Guy Fawkes and realised that finding colours to blend in with each other isn't as easy as I as thought. Thanks to the book I bought to help me with the course 'Colour Index'. This made it a lot easier to find colours that work with each other. I decided to use pastel colours of red, orange, and yellow. I also found that converting mm. into px. isn't as easy as id wished. Thanks to the internet though I managed to find that it was 1mm - 2.83px. A use ful site was This made me feel relieved, as I needed my designs for my site in mm as well as px.

One of the setbacks of the week was creating my designs and finding out that I created the designs to the wrong size. This quite annoyed me, as I’ve had to create them again. From this I have realised that I need to spend more time researching into subjects then just rushing in after the first piece of information. From now on I am going to check out more sources then I am.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Haha, design redesign? Good one, I haven't heard of that before! So does that website that you listed help you to convert xml to pdf? Thanks in advance!